The Caring Gallery
The Caring gallery is a new model in the art market, at the crossroads of art and care. Its “raison d’être” is to make art a lever for a more sustainable world. Beyond the themes of its exhibitions, the gallery associates NGO’s and charities with a sales turnover up to 10%.
“Dreaming of better days” exhibition launched the gallery just after Covid years, as an artistic proposal inviting us to draw on our human resources: to heal, to question, to connect with nature, to choose, to denounce, to give meaning and to look towards the future.
Curator Judith Souriau asked young emerging artists about their concrete aspirations for a better future, and invited more experienced artists to join their voices.
11 artworks by Ellande Jaureguiberry, Liu Bolin, Odonchimeg Davadwoorj, Damien Poulain, Elena Costelian and Olivier Masmontel were produced and exhibited for 3 weeks in Paris. 10% of the sales were donated to NGO “Habitat et Humanisme”.